Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!

I hope you are all enjoying it! Today I'm going to share some links that I just thought were too cute!

And of course I want to give a special shout out to my awesome hubby! I love you babe!
I'm so glad to be on this adventure with you! 

and of course to my friends and family.. I love you guys so much! (and to all of you who actually read this blog!

big hug! Carly

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines Day

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Valentines Day is almost here! (and believe me.. I could have put up twice as many pictures!)
I love this holiday.. (even when I agree with the people that say we shouldn't have to have a day to tell people we love them.) the hearts, flowers, candy and cards...

Do you have any special plans? I'm not sure yet but I will be sure to let you know what we end up doing!

xoxo Carly

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Brr... its cold outside

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Hey There!
these pictures have nothing to do with.. well anything. except they are really pretty! And maybe I'm trying to convince myself the snow we have isn't really that bad.. (secretly I'm hoping to wake up tomorrow and have it magically be spring though..)

Anyways.. Hope you are all having a great week so far! We had a great weekend and this week I have just trying to get into the rhythm of working again. But I am really enjoying it! It totally gives me a new appreciation of what it might be like to be a mom someday.. and then makes me happy that for now, I get to go home at the end of the  day :)

There is one thing that I would like to ask you all to pray for.. We got a letter the other day that my visa application has been denied. Luckily its just some administrative stuff.. they need some (slightly) different papers and such.. but we are really hoping that we won't need to pay the whole processing fee again! So if you could be praying that would be wonderful!

I will keep you posted!

Have a wonderful day! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

weekend inspiration

here is what I'm hoping my weekend includes...
sleeping in and good books
coffee with des
to find pretty flowers at the market.. along with fruits and veggies
maybe a nap.. :)

and I hope we have some really good conversations on the streets!
We'll also be going to Alphen aan den Rijn tonight! and tomorrow we will have services here!
What are you looking forward to this weekend? And any special plans?

xoxo Carly

Friday, February 3, 2012

Christmas pictures.. (a little late)

I know its really too late to post these.. but I did say I would post them.. so here they are! :)

Christmas day we spent at home with my brother Brian.. it was so much fun to have him in Rijswijk and get to hang out! 
On "Second Christmas day" (yes, that is a legit thing here in NL) we went to my brother in law's mom's house.. got that? hehe.. 
it was so much fun! and of course a very special year for 2 reasons:
1. Melchior's first Christmas!
2. Tim and Kelly got engaged the night before so we had even more to celebrate!

oh. yes. there was also a candy cane wolverine fight. 
your welcome.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

...life lately...

Can you believe it is already February! I certainly can't! This past month has flown by.. but in a very good way!
It started with being able to take a quick trip to Lithuania to see my parents! (and go to the dentist..) 
It was so wonderful to see everyone there, especially the kids.. they grow up so fast! 
It really makes you feel old when you see almost teenagers that you babysat when they were 2! :)

 my very adorable parents @coffee inn

We also had two teams in January and got to visit Zwolle (thanks for miss P her hubs for letting us crash there!)
and my parents were also here in NL! so I got to hang out and see them.. very fun.

This past week they had revival services in Den Haag so we were there too and that was awesome.. there are some things I love about pioneering and one of them is being so close to a lot of other churches.. and getting to know so many new people that way!

And today I started my new job! I'm the proud nanny to my little nephew Melchior :)
(the little cutie is sleeping now...)
and he is just so much fun.. he laughs and "talks" a lot and I love that we get this time together..
although I hope it gets warm soon so we can take walks outside!

So that's a little recap of what we have been up to lately.. I know I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff.. but ok..
I read this idea of instead of having a bunch of resolutions for the year to have one for each month and for Feb I picked to try and post on here more often. so hopefully you'll be hearing more from me soon!

Have a wonderful day! 
xoxo, Carly