Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sometimes and Always #2

Hey there.. I'm linking up again for Megan's sometimes and always link party..

sometimes: I think I should spend less time on the computer
always: I love reading blogs, looking at pinterest and decide just 5 more minutes...

sometimes: it takes me a while to get back to emails
always: I love to hear from people and so appreciate those who take the time to write!

sometimes: my brother is a wacko
always: my brother is a wacko but I love him anyways!!!

sometimes: I want to reach for the chips
always: I'm happier when I make a fruit smoothie

sometimes: I get excited to maybe try something new at the hairdresser
always: I get the same cut... (I'm going again next week though... so maybe.... nah)

sometimes: Des can be such a... guy :)
always: He's the sweetest, most bestest husband a girl could wish for!

sometimes: when its beautiful out and then all the sudden goes back to being cold and windy I don't think its fair
always: I'm amazed how nice its been so far this year.. and that its already April.. when did that happen?!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
xoxo Carly


  1. I know I spend way too much time on the computer! And I always say just one more blog or just 5 more mins!

    Chips are my weakness!

    I always want to try a new hairstyle but always end up getting the same one!

  2. I've been so bad with emails lately! And I feel horrible about it but I've been so busy! I'm working on it though! :)

  3. Thanks girls! Good to know I'm not the only one!

  4. Hi Carly! I have been getting to know your Mom over the last year or so. (we're both Keri/Kerri's) I'm here in the Prescott church. I'm glad i have a visual of your Brother so know I know who I'm looking for. I became a follower to your blog. Mine is private. If you want an invite email me at keri.jo@live.com
