Saturday, August 4, 2012

France, Paris!

Here are some more pictures of our trip to France... mostly from the time we spent in Paris!

yes... starbucks. :)

now we are ready to go!

we got day cards and used the metro..
which was so easy and  the perfect way to get around!

traditional duck face pose!
you are welcome bri!

there are a lot of stairs to get up...

and we only stopped for these pictures...

but once you get to the top... the view is amazing!

back on the metro and heading over to the eiffel tower!

it is really so huge!

we asked their friend to take a picture.. so they joined in :)

we had to make a stop here!

when we are traveling we always try to get advice from locals on where to eat...
a guy walking his dog suggested this place and I am so glad he did! the food was amazing
and we loved the outdoor tables! I would highly recommend it! 

ok. lets talk. this salad was amazing. i mean... so, SO good!
i am going to try to recreate it and will let you know how it goes...


des's favorite part of notre dame

So there you have it! 
what are your plans for the summer?
xoxo C


  1. Mooie foto's Carly, ik ben nog nooit echt in Parijs geweest, alleen een keer langs gereden.
    En onze plannen voor de zomer zijn surfen op strand Horst als het mooi weer is (Ik bedoel voor de meeste mensen slecht weer, dus véél wind.)
    Zie je op de tentcampagne en conferentie!!

    1. Dankjewel Janny! En leuke plannen voor de zomer! Nu als ik de weer niet mooi vind zal ik zeker aan jullie denken :D
      Ik heb echt zin in de tentcampagne en conferentie! Wow, volgende week al! Tot dan!

  2. Wonderful photos Car! It makes me remember our great trip there - seems like it wasn't that long ago, but what were you 14?

    1. No way! but I think you are right.. time has flown by!

  3. FABULOUS pictures! My younger kids will be learning about Paris in a couple weeks with homeschool and I will definately be bringing them to your blog to see the Eiffel Tower pictures. What an awesome experience for you guys to see.

    PS... LOVE your blog header picture!

    1. Thanks Keri Jo!
      We had a great time... and thanks for always leaving such sweet comments!

      xoxo C
